Thursday, May 8, 2008

Screwtape Proposes a Toast

This writing was much different than Screwtapes letters to wormwood, but they were still equally confusing. It was a very long section that touched on many ideas that kind of just confused me. Although, it was very odd when Screwtape described him and the other demons and new tempters feasting on the people they brought to their side and into Hell. I had never thought about the devil and demons eating the people they tempted to sin, so it was a very odd theory.

Then Screwtape describes the differences between the people they had currenty recruited and the people from the best. They were no longer great sinners, but instead people who had fallen into sin like corruption within the business world or adultry. These people did not whole heartly choose to be sinners and follow the dark side, but nevertheless they did. Screwtape continues by saying although there is not quality there is quanity. He also states that this numbers will only increase. Unfortunately I agree; many people are falling into sin more and more, and I am not innocent. I hope through awareness we can all escape the evils of the devil and Screwtape.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Chapter 28

I was very intrigued by Chapter 28! There were so many things touched upon in this chapter that I had never really thought about. It was so interesting to hear Screwtape talk about death; for I think at times I do associate death especially war with evil and hatred. However, often it is men fighting for their country or what they believe not because they want to hurt others. Furthermore, It was so interesting that Screwtape wanted Wormwood to keep his patient alive because at a time of war people often do find God. Men and women do not want to die at war with themselves, their family, friends, and especially not God, so they often mend relationships and begin to rely on God
Also, the way in which Screwtape described the younger years and middle age years was very enlightening. I do believe that when people are younger they are often amazed by every little thing and are not concerned with worldly things. However, as people begin to age they attach themselves to their life here on Earth. I know as I am getting older I focus so much of my time and energy in my success here on earth with my education and future job. Although, someday these things will not matter but my relationship with God will. This chapter has definitely forced me to reassess my main concerns.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Chapter 26

Love, Love, Love-This letter made me a little upset because it discussed all of the negative aspects about Love. Although I have seen love go wrong throughout my life, I still am a firm believer in the idea of true Love. It is hard to hear that Screwtape uses Love to manipulate us. However, I do understand the concept of selfishness and how that it can affect Love in a very negative manner and cause much confusion in relationships. Love makes you feel good, therefore instead of being in a relationship with someone and yearn to be there for them you only desire the feel good aspects of the connection. Love shoud be about give and take, and if selfishness is apart of your relationship there is bound to be probelms. There we must surrend our love to God and allow him to guide us in our humanly relationships.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Chapter 22

I am so happy to hear that the patient has found a girl that he likes in Chapter 22! I believe companionship is very important in our life. The fact that Screwtape is so angry about him finding this type of girl makes it obvious that she must be a good person, and he realizes what this relationship could do for the patient. I also find it very humorous the way in which Screwtape describes her, he says “who looks as if she’d faint at the sight of blood and then dies with a smile.” I really like this quote because it sounds amazing to die with a smile, and it is obvious this is the type of thing that revokes Screwtape or the devil.
After discussing this new girl, Screwtape begins to criticize God calling him a fake. Screwtape is able to see that God’s people are still able to have pleasures, but he doesn’t understand. He does realize that everything has to be twisted for it to be any use to him. This is so true; to obtain pleasure from the devil things must be twisted and ruined. With God people are able to be happy with what they have and who they are, for they don’t have to change anything. Screwtape is fully aware of this problem, and his solution is noise. He knows the only way to steer people away from God is by distracting them with noise or unnecessary things. This is a very unique way of thinking about the devil and his works.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Wow! Chapter 20 nailed our society completely! When screwtape discusses how they trick men into falling in love with a certain type of women really seems to reflect men in society today. A lot of men seem to be attracted to this boyish figure that Screwtape describes- a figure that is almost completely unnatural for a woman's body to look like. Then Screwtape describes how women get caught up in this look too. Women today are trying to look like the Super Models on TV, but it is just not healthy or natural. Screwtape explains how photos of women in this perfect image are not real; they are tweaked. I never thought about this being the work of the devil, but now I see that it only could be him. The yearn for a perfect body or style tears people up inside, for they are trying to reach an impossible goal. If everyone just understood that this was merely the devil trying to trick us maybe both women and men would not fall for this trap.

Then Screwtape discusses mariage as a means of turning the patient away from God. This is so sad because God created marriage as a holy bond between a man and a woman, and the fact that the devil is using this against God is awful! However, I can see where men get tricked into falling in "love" with someone who is not right for them. Screwtape describes two types of love men yearn for with a woman- one being the natural love beween a husband and a wife with the perfect woman and the other being a brutal love. Screwtape explains that there can be problems with both types of love. The first could cause the man to not feel worthy of his own wife, and the other could cause a man to want power over his wife. I could see how both of these are dangerous; however I believe there is a happy medium between the two. Both men and women need to be fully aware of the type of person they are falling in love with and the type of relationship they are forming. I think love and marriage is a very serious matter, and if people do not know what they are getting into it could lead them to the hating themselves and their significant other.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Chapter 14: Humility

In Chapter 14, Screwtape did a great job in describing what humility can do for a person. The patient has realized that it is not perpetual virtue or grace for life that his desires, but instead the daily pleasures while escaping the daily temptations. It seems as if life is much easier and you can be much happier if you do not expect to receive the world, but you must realize that good things can come each and everyday. However, Screwtape, being the educated person that he is on the Enemy and his work, knows what comes of humility and tells Wormwood to try to use pride as a way to distract the patient. Further from this Screwtape states that Wormwood can make the patient believe that in the end humility is merely believing that your talents are less valuable than they really are.

Screwtape then describes Gods meaning of humility is loving yourself as much as you love others. God does not want us to think less of ourselves and our talents, but he also does not want us to dwell on them. The key to mastering humility is not thinking about it, but merely appreciating yourself as much as you do your neighbors and God. I feel like this would be a difficult skill to have, however with making yourself aware of others talents and also of your own talents, over time I believe we can all become more humble.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Chapter 8

Wow, I really liked this chapter. First of all it was fairly easy to comprehend which is a plus, but also it just spoke about God the way I have always thought about him and then more. Although Screwtape is trying to bash God, he is really praising him. Screwtape paints this amazing picture of God, for I love when he says "He is full and flows over" but explains himself as "empty and would be filled". This is so true ,God wants to full us but does not need to be filled in return; however evil and the devil does not fill us but only takes from us. God wants to love and be there for us, but he does not expect anything in return but love!
It is so interesting how Screwtape describes the way in which God responds and acts towards people. He does not come to them and fill them with astonishment so they will follow. Instead, God comes to us at first, but then he allows us to live our lives and choose to follow him. He also is not only there for the peaks in our lives but more for the hard times. He wants to walk with us when times are rough not just be there for the good times. However, Screwtape brings up the point that hard times also bring opportunities for evil to make its way into our lives. This chapter really touched on significant things dealing with the differences between God and evil.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Chapter 4

Screwtape describes quite well how Christians can easily be led astray when they actually believe they are a devote member of their faith. The first way in which Screwtape advises his nephew to distract his patient is through prayer. I can see how this strategy could work very well because I could see someone believing they are praying or talking with God, but in fact they are so distracted. Often people pray or speak to God simply to ask for things, make themselves feel better, or feel sorry for themselves. Instead of praying to be close with God, they are being selfish. The type of prayer that Screwtape describes is an interesting way to look at the misuse of prayer, for he describes prayer through reflection or silence. However, a lot of Christians do not have the faith and devotion to pray in this manner, so instead of being closer to God they are being pushed farther away.

Screwtape then switches to the misuse of the image of God as a way to separate man from his faith. I see where he is going with this strategy, for if you do not think of God our creator and Father, but instead you think of God as a picture or the crucifix you can create a huge gap between Him and yourself. God is more than an image but a being who is our protector who cares and loves for us. Although Screwtape suggests this to his nephew he warns him that God is always there, so if his patient begins praying and seeing God in the right light God will be there waiting with open arms. I think that it is very true that no matter when someone turns to God he will always be there.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Chapter 2

The Screwtape Letters were very interesting to me but a little confusing at first. The chapter that truly touched me was chapter two.This chapter touched on a lot of problems seen in the past and presently within different Christian churches. If an individual makes the decision to become religious that does not ultimately mean he or she will follow this lifestyle forever. If they have not been exposed to the church before, the initial shock of the traditions, others their, and the way it makes them feel can quickly turn them away. When attending mass I get very distracted by others and their different identities that I am often not fully participating. There is a difference between being a part of a religion physically by going to church and spiritually allowing yourself to connect with God. If one is able to get pass these common set backs and awkward feelings and allow themselves to be apart of the faith it can be a great thing in their lives. However, individuals can try to pretend they are committed to their religion, but deep down they will know the truth and will eventually fall to the dark side. This is a struggle for many people trying to decide on a faith and following a specific religion.