Friday, March 7, 2008

Chapter 8

Wow, I really liked this chapter. First of all it was fairly easy to comprehend which is a plus, but also it just spoke about God the way I have always thought about him and then more. Although Screwtape is trying to bash God, he is really praising him. Screwtape paints this amazing picture of God, for I love when he says "He is full and flows over" but explains himself as "empty and would be filled". This is so true ,God wants to full us but does not need to be filled in return; however evil and the devil does not fill us but only takes from us. God wants to love and be there for us, but he does not expect anything in return but love!
It is so interesting how Screwtape describes the way in which God responds and acts towards people. He does not come to them and fill them with astonishment so they will follow. Instead, God comes to us at first, but then he allows us to live our lives and choose to follow him. He also is not only there for the peaks in our lives but more for the hard times. He wants to walk with us when times are rough not just be there for the good times. However, Screwtape brings up the point that hard times also bring opportunities for evil to make its way into our lives. This chapter really touched on significant things dealing with the differences between God and evil.


Stephen said...

I really liked your explanation of God being full and not needing us to give anything back. However I think it is taught that we give back to God in all of the good things that we do. Maybe its that he does not need from us, but it is good of us to do things in return. These acts are not for God, but rather for others to see God.

Becky Danek said...

I agree with a lot of your thoughts on letter 8. It was a very well rounded chapter and I enjoyed reading it and I was also able to understand it at the same time. I also liked how you said that God doesn't need anything from us in return but Love!! I agree with you on that. Although this is very true, I feel as though sometimes people try too hard to please God. Which makes them feel as though they aren't loyale to him. I agree with you and think that all he really wants from us is to believe and love everyone! I liked your comments this week! Very good insight!!


Krystin S said...

I love the comment from Becky about God not wanting anything but love in return yet people try so hard to please him that they are being hypocritical to themselves. I totally agree with your insights and her thoughts. I see so many people lecturing others that they need to act a certain way or do certain things in order to "deserve" God's love and when I take a step back an look at it they are doing the complete opposite of what they are telling us to do and of what God wants. I can't help but laugh at these people who take their beliefs to the extent that they go against the words they are trying to share without even realizing it.

Melissa Purta said...

I really liked your interpretation of God being full. I agree that God wants to love and be there for us and not need anything in return and I wish more people were like that too. Also, I liked what you had to say about how He's there for the good and rough times. It's always nice feeling that!