Friday, April 18, 2008

Chapter 22

I am so happy to hear that the patient has found a girl that he likes in Chapter 22! I believe companionship is very important in our life. The fact that Screwtape is so angry about him finding this type of girl makes it obvious that she must be a good person, and he realizes what this relationship could do for the patient. I also find it very humorous the way in which Screwtape describes her, he says “who looks as if she’d faint at the sight of blood and then dies with a smile.” I really like this quote because it sounds amazing to die with a smile, and it is obvious this is the type of thing that revokes Screwtape or the devil.
After discussing this new girl, Screwtape begins to criticize God calling him a fake. Screwtape is able to see that God’s people are still able to have pleasures, but he doesn’t understand. He does realize that everything has to be twisted for it to be any use to him. This is so true; to obtain pleasure from the devil things must be twisted and ruined. With God people are able to be happy with what they have and who they are, for they don’t have to change anything. Screwtape is fully aware of this problem, and his solution is noise. He knows the only way to steer people away from God is by distracting them with noise or unnecessary things. This is a very unique way of thinking about the devil and his works.


Tylor said...

I really thought your post was interesting when talking about the differences between God and the Devil. Your point that the Devil has to twist things, whereas you are good enough in God's eyes is a really valid point, and it was actually the topic of one of my blog posts a few weeks ago. I agree though, that the Devil makes us feel as if we aren't good enough, and we need to change ourselves and make ourselves better, when in reality, we are already good with who we are.

Milli said...

I also really enjoyed your take on the difference between God and the Devil and the topic of love and companionship. In order to be "good" in the Devils eye's we must twist who we are to become someone we are not, where the idea of God to accept us for who we are, which is something everyone should strive for in life anyway. I was also happy to read that Screwtape was so upset with him finding this woman, in the pure fact that she indeed must be good and pure to strike such a reaction

Trina Giammarino said...

I agree with what you were saying about companionship. I think its very important. I think that Screwtape was also angry about things that make his patient happy. I also agree with the fact that it was really funny how he was talking about the girl.

Becky Danek said...

Jacki, I liked your take on this Letter and I also agree with a lot of what you said. I also feel as though screwtape is bashing this women because he feels threatened by her. He knows that she instills good characteristics and it worries him that the patient will not be able to forget that. Good take on the comparison between God and the Devil. It's a very interesting way to look at things! :)