Friday, April 11, 2008

Wow! Chapter 20 nailed our society completely! When screwtape discusses how they trick men into falling in love with a certain type of women really seems to reflect men in society today. A lot of men seem to be attracted to this boyish figure that Screwtape describes- a figure that is almost completely unnatural for a woman's body to look like. Then Screwtape describes how women get caught up in this look too. Women today are trying to look like the Super Models on TV, but it is just not healthy or natural. Screwtape explains how photos of women in this perfect image are not real; they are tweaked. I never thought about this being the work of the devil, but now I see that it only could be him. The yearn for a perfect body or style tears people up inside, for they are trying to reach an impossible goal. If everyone just understood that this was merely the devil trying to trick us maybe both women and men would not fall for this trap.

Then Screwtape discusses mariage as a means of turning the patient away from God. This is so sad because God created marriage as a holy bond between a man and a woman, and the fact that the devil is using this against God is awful! However, I can see where men get tricked into falling in "love" with someone who is not right for them. Screwtape describes two types of love men yearn for with a woman- one being the natural love beween a husband and a wife with the perfect woman and the other being a brutal love. Screwtape explains that there can be problems with both types of love. The first could cause the man to not feel worthy of his own wife, and the other could cause a man to want power over his wife. I could see how both of these are dangerous; however I believe there is a happy medium between the two. Both men and women need to be fully aware of the type of person they are falling in love with and the type of relationship they are forming. I think love and marriage is a very serious matter, and if people do not know what they are getting into it could lead them to the hating themselves and their significant other.


JBickley33 said...

Jackie...I chose Chapter 20 as well, for this very reason. I like how you reflect on this topic and how it is so prevalent in our society today. It is truly awful how the devil acts to make us want to look like something that is totally unnatural, unhealthy, and usually unattainable without devastating sacrifice. Also, the discussion on marriage and how it was created by God, but often times manipulated by the devil was very insightful. I think that especially in our society today, people sometimes marry for the wrong reasons. I too think love and marriage is a serious matter, but also a wonderful think, if you take the time to realize what God actually meant them to be.

charlene medina said...

It is sad but true that women are presented with an unnatural look and other women are actually trying to follow true with that image. I used to think of it as something negative but never realized that it could be the work of the devil until now.