Thursday, May 8, 2008

Screwtape Proposes a Toast

This writing was much different than Screwtapes letters to wormwood, but they were still equally confusing. It was a very long section that touched on many ideas that kind of just confused me. Although, it was very odd when Screwtape described him and the other demons and new tempters feasting on the people they brought to their side and into Hell. I had never thought about the devil and demons eating the people they tempted to sin, so it was a very odd theory.

Then Screwtape describes the differences between the people they had currenty recruited and the people from the best. They were no longer great sinners, but instead people who had fallen into sin like corruption within the business world or adultry. These people did not whole heartly choose to be sinners and follow the dark side, but nevertheless they did. Screwtape continues by saying although there is not quality there is quanity. He also states that this numbers will only increase. Unfortunately I agree; many people are falling into sin more and more, and I am not innocent. I hope through awareness we can all escape the evils of the devil and Screwtape.

1 comment:

Trina Giammarino said...

I really agree with what you said. I found a lot of what was written in this chapter to be odd and confusing. I also agree that I feel that the numbers will be increasing because many of what used to be considered a horrible sin has become a part of common society.